It is true that the use of technology is still a problem to certain people. Some people find it hard to make use of computers till date. Well, the world has gone beyond just using computers because more complicated systems have been created like blockchain and cryptocurrency which are now in Vogue. Since these new sheriffs came to town, may companies and individuals started making use of them and it has served them well. But what is the fate of those people who cannot use sophisticated technologies like this? Should they be condemned to a life without these wonders of our time? A strong No is the answer. Thanks to a product like BeEasy, no one will ever be left behind again from enjoying cryptocurrency and the services obtainable through it. BeEasy BeEasy is an all inclusive window designed to serve the crypto market. This platform is extremely user friendly because it makes everything simple for its users. BeEasy has a wide range of tools that their users can incorporate into th...